SIGA (Virtual Bar) Thumbnail

SIGA (Colegio Virtual)

  • Microsoft announced that the browser Microsoft Edge has replaced Internet Explorer
  • This setting is for operating systems MS Windows 10 and 11 (Not necessary for other versions of Windows)
  • Instructions for accessing SIGA after removal of IExplorer:
    Follow the instructions by clicking here
  • Click on the version that corresponds to your operating system

  • Download executable version 64 bits (most common version)
  • Download executable version 32 bits

    (Note: To check the architecture version of the operating system, right-click the Windows icon on the taskbar, select “System”. It displays the information in the System type: field. For example, if it displays: “ 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor". 64-bit version executable needs to be downloaded.)

Comprehensive Management System for the Legal Profession "SIGA", the most widespread management tool among the Bar Associations. Compared to other commercial applications, SIGA is permanently updated with legislative changes and at no additional cost. Interconnected with the Public Administrations, it allows it to be at the forefront of eJustice and offer unique services that connect the Colleges with the Legal Aid Assistance Commissions, Tax Agency, Social Security and otros Organismos.


  • A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT: SIGA, a comprehensive solution that covers the management activities of the Bar. Focused on streamlining the main tasks (billing fees, management of the Office Shift ...), it optimizes resources, reduces costs and staff time. Add unique features (interoperability with third parties) with competitive implementation and maintenance costs compared to business management systems (ERP).
  • A SCHOOLS PROJECT: SIGA is a joint project of the Bar Associations managed by RedAbogacía. That is why we know directly the needs of the profession and our mission is to respond with profitable, efficient solutions designed specifically for the Legal Profession. The more schools adopt it, the more the investment will pay off.
  • CONSTANT EVOLUTION: Being always up to date is a current obligation. Legislative changes such as Legal Aid, new browsers, mobility, are examples that force constant innovation and new developments, avoiding extra costs for the College, compared to other proprietary applications. Ensuring adaptation to current and future needs.
  • FREE OFFICE AND JUSTICE SHIFT: SIGA offers an easy-to-use, efficient and adaptive solution, with the most advanced and unique functions, as it is integrated with Organizations and AAPP (Free Electronic Justice File), Census of Lawyers, Legal Aid Assistance Commissions and Courts.
  • FACILITATES THE RELATIONSHIP WITH ITS ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: It offers lawyers and lawyers to carry out simple procedures over the Internet in a secure and authenticated way. With your digital certificate ACA, they can modify their professional information, bank details, consult their monthly billing, justify actions or assistance related to Legal Aid, exchange guards and endless procedures.
  • SAFETY IN THE CLOUD: SIGA protects the information of the Bar by being hosted in the data center of the Technological Infrastructure of the Abogacía Española. It saves the Bar the cost of hardware and maintenance tasks such as making backup copies, monitoring, etc. The information is protected under strict physical and logical security measures required by both Regulation 2016/679, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and free movement of these data as in Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights. Being in the cloud of the Legal Profession, the staff of the authorized College access SIGA from any computer, at any time (24 hours, 365 days a year), making daily work more efficient.
  • INTEGRATED WITH OTHER REDABOGACÍA SERVICES: It is connected with other applications and tools, such as Regtel, the telematic registry that digitizes documents from paper to digital format; or with BuroSMS, a service for sending certified messages to the mobile with legal validity.
  • PERSONALIZED TECHNICAL SUPPORT: RedAbogacía makes available to the College a team of professional technical staff that solves the doubts and queries of SIGA users in a personalized way. The technical staff has a guard service, including Saturdays and holidays, to ensure continued operation.
  • TRAINING AND COLLABORATIVE WORK: The technical team of RedAbogacía He goes to the College to train the staff. In addition, there is a community of SIGA users who can collaborate and obtain advice by holding regular face-to-face meetings.

Service file


