General Census of Lawyers Thumbnail

Censo General de Letrados

It allows you to access the professional data of any collegiate or collegiate of the Legal Profession in national territory, without the need to call or go to the Colegio de la Abogacía de interest or to Consejo General of the Legal Profession.




  • Visibility: allows any citizen to locate a lawyer close to their town, showing them a map where they can find the address of the office.
  • Reliability: single point of inquiry for otros organismos, such as the Ministry of Justice and the procedural management applications of the jurisdictional bodies. In accordance with the provisions of Law 18/2011.
  • Agility: allows you to incorporate the lawyer's file into your contact book and contact the selected legal professional via email.

PROFESSIONAL GUARANTEE: The information provided in the General Census of Lawyers is a direct transcription of the information sent periodically by the bar associations in application of article 90.1 of the General Statute of the Abogacía Española.

Additionally, there is also an app that will allow you to have all the lawyers in Spain at your fingertips from your mobile or tablet.

Choose one of the following download methods depending on your device:

Sign in GooglePlay and search for "Census". Enter in the AppleStore and search for "Census"
Enter with the browser of your phone / tablet at: Enter with the browser of your phone / tablet at:
Scan the bidi code:
Scan the bidi code:
Enter with the browser of your phone / tablet at:
Scan the bidi code:
mobile and tablet census of lawyers


  • You can locate a lawyer by their name and surname or by their association number.
  • You can also obtain a list of lawyers or lawyers who are in the College of your area or place that interests you.
  • The Mobile Census is integrated with Google Maps so that you can see the location of the lawyer's professional address on a map and even get how to get there from your location.
  • In addition to finding lawyers, you can contact them directly through the Mobile Census, calling from your phone.

