Environmental Law Blog

Nature as a subject of rights: A paradigm shift


Nature as a subject of rights: A paradigm shift

The recognition of nature as a subject of rights means a paradigmatic change that moves from an anthropocentric development approach to biocentric and ecocentric approaches. The author analyzes it in this article.


The Mar Menor: Ecocide? Does Environmental Law Exist?

The death of fish in the Mar Menor has once again put the environmental disaster that this place is suffering in the autonomous community of the Region of Murcia on the front page. Now everyone is busy looking for culprits, when what must be located is who are responsible for having repeatedly arrived at this environmental crime, which could be described in the current language of "ecocide", having acted against an ecosystem such as It is the Mar Menor.


The firm commitment to sustainable mobility

It is clear that nothing will ever be the same again and that times are changing without remission. In our risk society, which has been revealed by the pandemic, there are other risks that are also certain and immediate, such as climate change and the impact of air pollution on health, all risks generated by man.


The biodiversity strategy of the European Union 2030: myth of Sisyphus or new paradigm?

The pandemic has disrupted our lives and has also left one of the great problems of humanity in second place, such as climate change. Within what it supposes, one of the aspects that also affects is that of biodiversity.

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