05 septiembre 2019

Boletín IBA Global Insight agosto/septiembre 2019

La International Bar Association (IBA) es la más importante organización de profesionales del derecho internacional y Colegios de Abogados, de la que el Consejo General de la Abogacía es miembro. Forman parte de ella más de 40.000 abogados y 197 Colegios de Abogados. Participa en el desarrollo de la reforma del derecho internacional y mide el futuro de la profesión a través de una red de comités especializados y de diversas Comisiones, entre ellas la Comisión de Asuntos de la Abogacía.

A continuación, su último boletín:

The climate crisis: turning the tide

COVER FEATURE: Scientific evidence has established beyond doubt that climate change needs to be addressed, and urgently. Global Insight examines how civil society and strategic litigation are forcing corporations and governments to take long overdue action. Read more

Podcast: The UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment and Greenpeace’s General Counsel assess the global climate emergency

Editorial: More investment in fossil fuels than renewables is the wrong direction

Asia focus:
Korean waves spread throughout Asia

FEATURE: With Korean companies competing ever more aggressively on the world stage, and multinationals increasingly targeting the country’s affluent consumer market, law firms continue to prioritise Asia’s fourth-largest economy and its major conglomerates. Read more

Related: The rise and rise of China’s legal profession

Asean: unlocking the potential of the single market

FEATURE: Nearly four years after its creation, the Asean Economic Community is still struggling with integration across its ten member states. Could China’s investment in the Belt and Road initiative hold the key to transforming the trading bloc into an Asian powerhouse? Read more

Related: Belt and Road – China’s global expansion


Legal, business and human rights news analysis

Fashion industry tackles exploitation six years after Rana Plaza tragedy and blockchain making in-roads but yet to transform legal sector lead the legal and business news. Human rights news includes: US Presidency – abortion at the threshold and Hong Kong extradition bill ‘dead’ but not withdrawn.

Podcast: NDAs – cleaning up their widespread misuse


Middle East: Morsi’s death highlights inhumanity of Egypt’s prisons

COLUMN: The sudden death of Egypt’s former President Mohamed Morsi after six years in solitary confinement has raised serious questions about his treatment and the neglect of thousands of political prisoners since the military coup in 2013. Read more

Film: Egypt – challenges to the independence of judges and prosecutors


Global leaders: Richard Haass, US Council on Foreign Relations

INTERVIEW: Richard Haass has been at the forefront of US foreign affairs for more than 30 years and was a close adviser to former Secretary of State Colin Powell. He speaks exclusively to Global Insight about the fault lines in international relations and America’s role on the world stage. Read more

Podcast: America and the threat to the global rules-based order

United States: A decisive moment for national security journalism

COLUMN: Depending on who you listen to, Julian Assange – the WikiLeaks founder who faces extradition to the US next year – is either a dangerous threat to national security in cahoots with the Russian state, or a swashbuckling crusader for free expression. Read more

Film: Julian Assange on Russia, press freedom and the limits of justice

Competition law: Intercontinental champions

FEATURE: The European Commission blocked a merger between Germany’s Siemens and France’s Alstom in February, prompting renewed calls for reform to help industry compete globally. Global Insight assesses the decision and whether Europe should finally embrace its ‘champions’. Read more

News analysis: US government bids to block AT&T and Time Warner merger


Technology: Facial recognition comes of age

COLUMN: Automated facial recognition technology is facing a legal challenge in the UK, while some law enforcement authorities in the US are banned from using it. With this market set to grow to $9bn by 2024, Global Insight considers the technology and the risks it poses. Read more

Related: Does the world need a digital Geneva Convention?



Fuente: International Bar Association, 2019.
